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Archive for February 2015

Celebrities — Overpaid Bozos

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Celebrities are people readily known by the public.

These include entertainers, athletes, news and sports commentators, politicians, and well-known bloggers and media correspondents.

This does not include businessmen.

These people are extremely overpaid.

Cut their compensation in half and it would still be too much.

Then, these bozos go voicing their opinions like they are from a god.

These fools are no smarter than the general public.

Usually what comes out of their mouths is pure pablum.

Whatever these bozos tell you  to do, do just the opposite and you will be much better off.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 15, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Palestinians Want Role in Probing “Terrorist” Killings in Chapel Hill

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Palestinians are crazy.

Totally out of their minds.

Lets do facts:

—  it was not terrorist killings

—  it is none of the palestinians business; it happened in The United States and is a local matter

—  palestinians are terrorists

—  palestinians are incapable of running their own affairs

Corollaries:  palestinians are

—  stupid

—  incompetent

—  corrupt

—  evil

If palestinians had their own nation, it would be a rogue state.

The only contributions the palestinians are making to the world are death and destruction.



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Written by solutions777

February 14, 2015 at 2:22 pm

huffpost Is STUPID.

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Every article in huffpost is stupid.

No one with the least bit of intelligence would agree with anything it publishes.

Anybody who reads it is a fool.

Reading huffpost is a complete waste of time.

huffpost is trolling for lowquals.

It does it for the money.

Advertising dollars.

It has made ad huffpost rich.

Do not go to its website.


Officially, this is just our opinion.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 13, 2015 at 3:25 am

Putin’s Latest Victory

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Yes we know, redundant post.

But necessary.

Russia/Putin got the best of Eu nations once again.

The EU is a joke.

Appeasement for energy.

And peace.

Putin will break the treaty and the aggression will continue.

Rogue states just like tigers never change their stripes.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 13, 2015 at 2:40 am

Ukraine Ceasefire — End Russian Sanctions

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Do not be misled, this is just a breather for Putin.

As Ukraine and the Western nations breath a sigh of relief, Putin is taking a rest before continuing his territory grab.

The strategy for the Western nations is to increase sanctions and arm the Ukraine.

Give the Ukraine all the weapons it wants and warn them Putin is a liar and not to be trusted.

The war WILL resume.

Russia has been a rogue state for close to a century and will continue as one.

The only solution is to totally destroy Russia as it exists today.

Destroy the Russian economy.

Make the Russian people suffer until they revolt against their rulers.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 13, 2015 at 2:26 am

Last U.S. Islamic State Hostage Killed

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The US confirms the death of American aid worker Kayla Mueller, the last American hostage known to be held by Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.

It is sad for the family.

The women was STUPID.

Her death was her own fault.

Anyone going into a war zone or hostile foreign country can expect to be killed.

And for WHAT?


Sorry, stupid little bird.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 11, 2015 at 2:22 am

Can You Be Sued for Online Reviews?

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Can You Be Sued for Online Reviews?

You may have signed away your right to free speech the last time you visited the dentist.

Nondisparagement clauses are becoming more common in contracts for services ranging from dentistry to wedding photography. The clauses—included in contractual fine print that customers rarely read—are intended to stop unhappy customers from complaining or posting bad reviews online.

Self-defense: Cross out any such clauses—if the service provider objects, he/she may have something to hide and you may want to take your business elsewhere.


These clauses should be illegal.

The clauses are a limitation of free speech and thus unconstitutional.

If an individual is dissatisfied with a product and/or service, they must be allowed to tell anyone and everyone.

Things like this are causing the quality of life to decline.



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Written by solutions777

February 11, 2015 at 1:49 am


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appeasement  —  the action or process of appeasing

appeasing  —  pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands

Nations of the world continue to do this with terrorists and rogue states.

—  Russia in the Ukraine

—  Iran and nuclear weapons

—  North Korea continued weapon development

—  terrorism everywhere

Appeasement NEVER works.

Remember Chamberlain with Hitler; from No. 10 Downing Street:  “My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.”

Neither British Prime Ministers achieved honor or peace.

Both were STUPID!

Trying to avoid conflict/war does not work.

Evil says give me what I want or we will have to fight.

Trying to negotiate does not work; evil is never going to abide by any agreement.  It also gives evil time to  get stronger.

You back down and evil comes back again and again.

Until you are totally dominated or destroyed.

If anyone wants to end evil; then be willing, no eager to fight, to use maximum violence and evil is totally destroyed.

This means telling North Korea, Iran or Russia to stop or have your country totally wiped out.

Of course, these nations will not stop.

Then, kill EVERYBODY in that nation.  EVERYBODY.

This is the only way to stop evil.

Evil does not respond to talk or negotiation; only VIOLENCE.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 9, 2015 at 3:00 am

Iran’s Khamenei Says Could Accept Fair Nuclear Compromise

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What rubbish.

There can be no compromise with evil.  And Iran is evil.

Anyone who accepts anything except complete disbandment of Iran’s nuclear program is a fool.

Iran is stalling for time.

And will not stop trying to obtain nuclear weapons, no matter what agreement is reached.



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 9, 2015 at 2:07 am

Brian Williams and NBC Idiots Together

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Brian Williams stupidly made up a story.


Was it to make himself brave, heroic, the fearless news reporter?


The news media is only entertainment.

Here is another take:



The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

February 7, 2015 at 9:04 pm