News and/or Commenty on World Events.

Archive for the ‘The Purpose of This Blog’ Category


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Blogs can be separated into three categories:  entertainment; ranting, whining and crying; and pushing their ideology.

Our blogs are like the Fourth Estate of old.  Our blogs are to help/assist you by supplying truthful information, analysis and ideas to make life better for you and your families.

Now, which blogs would an intelligent person read?

Since everyone believes they are intelligent, why are very few people reading our blogs?

Because people are not near as smart as they think they are.

So, maybe just maybe, you should start reading our blogs and not reading the other blogs; and maybe you should suggest to your friends that they read our blogs.

If not, well life goes on.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

February 5, 2012 at 3:42 am

The Purpose of This Blog

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Why does this blog exist?

The blog is to focus on helping you obtain non-mainstream news and commentary.  If you want facts with truthful commentary instead of the usually media pablum, this is a blog for you.  Information that could help you eliminate some of the challenges in your life, and make others go away … or you will have the resources you need to fix them. So, here’s what the blog is going to focus on …

major issues and misconceptions in the world.

You might be wondering how this blog is going to to do this, so let me tell you …

First, you should know there is no way this blog can report and analyze everything without your help. That makes sense, doesn’t it? It should, but far too many writers never consider the most important factor … YOU.

So, the first thing is get your input. If this blog were consulting with someone, it never dream of trying to keep them informed without first discovering where they were at. This blog thinks you deserve the same attention and respect, don’t you?

Step One is to open the lines of communication so this blog can give you the right information. This will be taken care of in just a minute.

But, before we go there, think about this for a minute with me …

If you are not living the good life today … then there must be one of two things going on … A) You do not believe YOU can do it … or B) You are confident you can, you just do not have the right advice yet.

The first thing you need to do:  sign up to follow this blog.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

January 27, 2012 at 12:48 am